Terraform Error: failed to create cluster, error: Instance type (Standard_D8a_v4) not supported in this region (Central US)

Hi all!

As I didn’t find this issue here, I need to ask, as anyone got this error when trying to apply a Terraform template to create a Hopsworks Cluster?

" Error: failed to create cluster, error: Instance type (Standard_D8a_v4) not supported in this region (Central US)"

head {
instance_type = “Standard_D8a_v4”

Double checked that Terraform and Azure at Central US support, and I have quota for this deploy.

I didn’t found documentation with Hopsworks instance types supported by each feature as head, rondb and workers. If someone knows could share, please?

Any hint or support will be appreciated!

Thank you.


Needed to inform location as centrales and not “Central US”