I purge the installation using the command ./hopsworks-installer.sh -i purge -cl -ni try to reinstall it, by rerun the previous command. Then, I had another error, this time in the hops_airflow::default task, where the log error said that could not initialize the database because the user airflow_db has access denied.
Lately, I try to remove everything related with mysql from the machine runing sudo apt purge -y mysql*, manullay remove all folders related to things related to mysql, and unfortanelly remove all folder in /home directory that was not the user I used folder. Then trying to reinstalling it again I am getting an error in the conda::install task because the home directory for anaconda does not exist.
I am using a Ubuntu 18.04 VM, with the recommend configuration.
Any help in installing Hopsworks, or at least help to purge everything and start the process again (without creating a new VM), will be very much appreciate.
Thank you for the quick reply. I follow your instructions, and besides that, remove /srv/hopsworks-data as well.
Trying to install again, I get the same error in conda::install , the log error is the following. FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::EnclosingDirectoryDoesNotExist: template[/home/anaconda/.condarc] (conda::install line 74) had an error: Chef::Exceptions::EnclosingDirectoryDoesNotExist: Parent directory /home/anaconda does not exist.
Should I manually create a directory for anaconda in home? Is necessary a user to be owner of this folder? Or the installation process should take care of it?
Again, thank you for your reply, and appreciate your help!
I was able to fix the previous error, and all related errors to home directory/user by deleting the user created with the command sudo deluser --remove-home <user>. However, now I am facing the error below in the hopsworks::default recipe.
FATAL: RuntimeError: ruby_block[check_db_empty] (hopsworks::default line 196) had an error: RuntimeError: You are trying to initialize the database, but the database is not empty. Either there is a failed migration, or you forgot to set the current_version attribute
There is a way to delete the database created in previous installation attempts?
Thank you, in advance, for your help.
I try to follow the steps you suggest, however since I am using Ubuntu, I could not follow strictly your commands.
The error I am getting now is on hopsworks::default task. Here is the output of the task
RuntimeError: You are trying to initialize the database, but the database is not empty. Either there is a failed migration, or you forgot to set the current_version attribute
It seems that the database created by other installations attempts was not deleted from the system. Could you help me with this on Ubuntu?