Git command failed to execute when create new jupyter with git on

It happen on demo instance

I inspect Chrome network, here is the api error


Response 400 bad request

{"type":"restApiJsonResponse","errorCode":100046,"errorMsg":"Git command failed to execute","usrMsg":"Code: null Message: Unhandled error"}

I think the instance is running version 1.3 because Documentation button lead to version 1.3

My personal secret is github " Personal access tokens" with full permission (tick all)

Hi @thaithien

Have you installed any extra Python libraries in your environment?
Can you try launching JupyterLab without Git?

I tried on the same demo instance from a new Project and it was working for me.
When you select the API key to use from the dropdown menu, the branch textboxes should be automatically filled with your repo’s default branch. Does that happen?

Kind regards,

Without git setting launch just fine.
I do not add any extra libraries in setting.

Could you invite me ( to your Project so I can try reproducing it?