I have been using the following code without issue until 3 days ago.
project = hopsworks.login()
Entering my API key results in the project id as 100511.
fs = project.get_feature_store() throws an error beneath:
hsfs.client.exceptions.RestAPIError: Metadata operation error: (url: https://c.app.hopsworks.ai/hopsworks-api/api/project/100511/featurestores/vuvda_energyforecast_featurestore). Server response:
HTTP code: 404, HTTP reason: Not Found, body: b’{“errorCode”:270008,“usrMsg”:“featurestoreName: vuvda_energyforecast_featurestore , project: vuvda_EnergyForecast”,“errorMsg”:“Featurestore wasn't found.”}', error code: 270008, error msg: Featurestore wasn’t found., user msg: featurestoreName: vuvda_energyforecast_featurestore , project: vuvda_EnergyForecast