Feature Store wasn't found

I have been using the following code without issue until 3 days ago.

project = hopsworks.login()
Entering my API key results in the project id as 100511.

fs = project.get_feature_store() throws an error beneath:

hsfs.client.exceptions.RestAPIError: Metadata operation error: (url: https://c.app.hopsworks.ai/hopsworks-api/api/project/100511/featurestores/vuvda_energyforecast_featurestore). Server response:
HTTP code: 404, HTTP reason: Not Found, body: b’{“errorCode”:270008,“usrMsg”:“featurestoreName: vuvda_energyforecast_featurestore , project: vuvda_EnergyForecast”,“errorMsg”:“Featurestore wasn't found.”}', error code: 270008, error msg: Featurestore wasn’t found., user msg: featurestoreName: vuvda_energyforecast_featurestore , project: vuvda_EnergyForecast

Hello @Vo_Duy_Anh_Vu ,

Let me take a a look at your project. Can you still access feature group(s) and feature view(s) from the UI or do you get the same issue? Also, can you check which version of hopsworks api you are using?


Hello Mahmoud,

I still access those from the UI. I’m using hopsworks 3.4.2.

Vo Duy Anh Vu

Hello @Vo_Duy_Anh_Vu ,

I found the issue with your project and it should be fixed at the moment. Can you give it a try and let us know if you manage to connect again?


Hello Mahmoud,

The issue has been resolved.
Thanks for your prompt response.
