Feature store was not found


I have been using the following code without issue until 10 days ago.

project = hopsworks.login()
Entering my API key results in the project id as 1151129.

fs = project.get_feature_store() throws an error beneath:

Metadata operation error: (url: https://c.app.hopsworks.ai/hopsworks-api/api/project/1151129/featurestores/lab1_iris_featurestore). Server response:
HTTP code: 404, HTTP reason: Not Found, body: b’{“errorCode”:270008,“usrMsg”:“featurestoreName: lab1_iris_featurestore , project: lab1_iris”,“errorMsg”:“Featurestore wasn't found.”}', error code: 270008, error msg: Featurestore wasn’t found., user msg: featurestoreName: lab1_iris_featurestore , project: lab1_iris

From last week, the code never works! I am using Hopsworks 3.7.0. I can access access feature group(s) and feature view(s) from the UI.


Hej Sir,

As far as I can tell you seem to have deleted the database associated with your feature store. Did you delete the feature store folder when using the UI?

Best regards,


We deleted your project to allow you to recreate one that is fully functional. Please re-register on the platform and give it a shot :slight_smile:

Best regards,

Hi Victor,

Could you please share any post about what a user should avoid to delete? I mistakenly deleted the database associated with my feature store. I do not want to repeat same mistake in future.
