Error with nbd::mysqld during on-premise, single server installation

I am trying to install the Hopsworks on premisse but got an error during the execution of the script.

The installation fails as task ndb::mysqld. Checking the nbd__mysqld.log file in .karamel/install it seems that the error is failing to connect to port 1186

Here are some of part of the log file (I cant paste it full cause it’s too large)

e[31mError executing action `run` on resource 'bash[wait_ndb_started]'e[0m
e[0m        Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailede[0m
        Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1'
e[0m        ---- Begin output of "bash"  "/tmp/chef-script20221021-118252-176gq1r" ----
e[0m        STDOUT: Connection to failed
e[0m        STDERR: 
e[0m        ---- End output of "bash"  "/tmp/chef-script20221021-118252-176gq1r" ----
e[0m        Ran "bash"  "/tmp/chef-script20221021-118252-176gq1r" returned 1e[0m
e[0m        Resource Declaration:e[0m
        # In /tmp/chef-solo/cookbooks/ndb/providers/waiter.rb
e[0m          3:   bash do
e[0m          4:     user node['ndb']['user']
e[0m          5:     code <<-EOF
e[0m          6:       #{node['mysql']['base_dir']}/bin/ndb_waiter -c #{node['ndb']['connectstring']} --timeout=#{node['ndb']['wait_startup']}  2>&1 > /dev/null
e[0m          7:     EOF
e[0m          8:   end
e[0m          9:   new_resource.updated_by_last_action(true)
e[0m        Compiled Resource:e[0m
        # Declared in /tmp/chef-solo/cookbooks/ndb/providers/waiter.rb:3:in `block in class_from_file'
e[0m        bash("wait_ndb_started") do
e[0m          action [:run]
e[0m          default_guard_interpreter :default
e[0m          command nil
e[0m          backup 5
e[0m          interpreter "bash"
e[0m          declared_type :bash
e[0m          cookbook_name "ndb"
e[0m          user "mysql"
e[0m          code "      /srv/hops/mysql/bin/ndb_waiter -c --timeout=10800  2>&1 > /dev/null\n"
e[0m          domain nil
e[0m        end
e[0m        System Info:e[0m
e[0m        platform=ubuntu
e[0m        platform_version=20.04
e[0m        ruby=ruby 2.5.3p105 (2018-10-18 revision 65156) [x86_64-linux]
e[0m        program_name=/usr/bin/chef-solo
e[0m        executable=/opt/chefdk/bin/chef-soloe[0m
e[0m      e[0m
      e[31mError executing action `wait_until_cluster_ready` on resource 'ndb_waiter[wait_ndb_started]'e[0m
e[0m      Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailede[0m
      bash[wait_ndb_started] (/tmp/chef-solo/cookbooks/ndb/providers/waiter.rb line 3) had an error: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1'
e[0m      ---- Begin output of "bash"  "/tmp/chef-script20221021-118252-176gq1r" ----
e[0m      STDOUT: Connection to failed
e[0m      STDERR: 
e[0m      ---- End output of "bash"  "/tmp/chef-script20221021-118252-176gq1r" ----
e[0m      Ran "bash"  "/tmp/chef-script20221021-118252-176gq1r" returned 1e[0m
e[0m      Resource Declaration:e[0m
      # In /tmp/chef-solo/cookbooks/ndb/providers/mysql_basic.rb
e[0m        3:   ndb_waiter "wait_ndb_started" do
e[0m        4:     action :wait_until_cluster_ready
e[0m        5:     only_if { node['ndb']['enabled'] == "true" }
e[0m        6:   end
e[0m        7: 
e[0m      Compiled Resource:e[0m
      # Declared in /tmp/chef-solo/cookbooks/ndb/providers/mysql_basic.rb:3:in `block in class_from_file'
e[0m      ndb_waiter("wait_ndb_started") do
e[0m        action [:wait_until_cluster_ready]
e[0m        updated true
e[0m        updated_by_last_action true
e[0m        default_guard_interpreter :default
e[0m        declared_type :ndb_waiter
e[0m        cookbook_name "ndb"
e[0m        only_if { #code block }
e[0m      end
e[0m      System Info:e[0m
e[0m      platform=ubuntu
e[0m      platform_version=20.04
e[0m      ruby=ruby 2.5.3p105 (2018-10-18 revision 65156) [x86_64-linux]
e[0m      program_name=/usr/bin/chef-solo
e[0m      executable=/opt/chefdk/bin/chef-soloe[0m
e[0m    e[0m

The OS I’m running is Ubuntu 20.04.4

Hello @Joao_Gabriel_Rodrigu!

As per the instructions found in the installation guide the current supported Ubuntu version is 18.04.