Do we have to provide an AWS cloud environment to use the demo?

I’m a little confused by the trial/demo version of Do we have to deploy this to some cloud environment ourselves, or does host a sandbox cluster where we can just play with fake data? I’m looking at the install process for creating a cluster in AWS and it seems quite involved for just setting up a demo.

Also, while I have access to AWS, it’s much easier for me to work with GCP. Any news on GCP support for



There is a problem with the demo cluster. We are working on fixing it. The demo cluster provide a sandbox cluster to play with fake data without having to set up your AWS account.
We will let you know when it is fixed.

We have started working on the GCP support, but it will take time before it is ready to be released.



We have now fixed the demo cluster. Clicking on the Demo button should automatically log you into the cluster.

Best regards,