Error when trying to save to online feature group

@Davit_Bzhalava : Yes, I created it like that. Insertion also fails with the same error. Could it have something to do with permissions? Because my demo trial was extended one week ago and by then the error appeared.

@alex_s we found the issue. Its from our end. For the moment from python kernel set time_travel_format=None when you create FG.

If you want to use time travel enabled FG please use pyspark kernel until the fix is available. I will let you know.

Really sorry for the inconvenience.

Best regards,

@Davit_Bzhalava : Okay, thank you for the information. Now it works with the new parameter setting.

Kind regards

I followed the instructions above, but when it gets to the point of saving the DF I get a different error:

>   File "C:\Users\KrzysztofNawrocki\PycharmProjects\Hopsworks\venv\lib\site-packages\hsfs\core\", line 55, in save
>     engine.get_instance().save_dataframe(
> TypeError: save_dataframe() missing 1 required positional argument: 'online_write_options'

The Feature Group is being created but the programme crashes while saving the DF.

> `import hsfs
> import pandas as pd
> conn = hsfs.connection(
>     host='HOST',                      # DNS of the Feature Store instance
>     project='Demo_project',                   # Name of the Hopsworks Feature Store project
>     api_key_file='featurestore.key',          # The file containing the API key
>     hostname_verification=False,
>     secrets_store='local')
> fs = conn.get_feature_store()                 # Get the project's default feature store"
> fg = fs.create_feature_group(
>     name="PROJECT NAME",
>     version=1,
>     description="description",
>     online_enabled=True,
>     time_travel_format=None,
>     primary_key=['Indexes'],
>     statistics_config=None
> )
> dfFeatures = pd.DataFrame([[0,4.5,6.7],[1,1.3,2.4]],columns = ["Index","Feature1","Feature2"])
> conn.close()`

What am I doing wrong?
